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  • 한식 영어사전

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  • 홍합초(Braised Mussels)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Mussels braised in soy sauce, sugar, black pepper and sesame oil until reduced.

  • 화양적(Beef and Vegetable Brochette (3))
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Brochettes of beef, bellflower roots (doraji), carrots, shiitake mushrooms, cucumbers and other ingredients cut into strips, sauteed in soy sauce and sesame oil, then put onto skewers and pan-fried.

  • 화전(Pan-fried Sweet Rice Cake with Flower Petals)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Round, fiat rice cakes made of glutinous rice flour, decorated with minced jujubes (Korean dates) or petals of colorful flowers such as azalea, rose, chrysanthemum, and pan-fried. The fried cakes are sprinkled with sugar while still warm.

  • 화채(Korean Fruit Punch)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
A sweet drink made of various fruits in omija (fruit of the Chinese magnolia vine) punch sweetened with sugar or honey. Azalea petals are sometimes added for color.

  • 황태구이(Seasoned and Grilled Dried Pollack)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Freeze-dried pollack grilled with a seasoning of soy sauce, red chili pepper paste, green onions, garlic, sesame oil, sugar and black pepper.

  • 회(Raw Seafood)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
The word raw fish (hoe) usually refers to raw fish dishes similar to Japanese sashimi. However, hoe includes other raw or lightly cooked dishes including other seafoods and meats. Yukhoe refers to a raw beef (see Korean beef steak tartare) and sukhoe are dishes that are only lightly cooked (see parboild squid).

  • 회냉면(Spicy Chilled Noodles with Raw Skate)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Hamheung-style buckwheat noodles mixed with a spicy sauce and topped with raw or fermented skate. Served cold.

  • 회덮밥(Raw Fish and Vegetables over Rice)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Slices of raw fish and fresh vegetables served in a bowl over rice with vinegared red chili pepper paste. Mixed thoroughly before eating.

  • 흑임자죽(Black Sesame and Rice Porridge)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
A porridge made of white rice and ground black sesame seeds. Popular as a high energy food.

  • 흰떡(White Rice Cake)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
Rice cake made from white rice flour. The rice cakes are steamed then beaten or kneaded to give them texture. The cakes can be made into cylindrical rice pasta, garaetteok or into square jeolpyeon.

  • 흰죽(Rice Porridge)
  • 발음 듣기 구글검색
A porridge made of white rice only. The rice is soaked in water, added to plenty of water (about 6-7 times of the amount of rice) then simmered over medium heat until thick.

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